Do you realize that every ear of corn you eat will no longer be around for other people? It will cease to exist. That ear of corn, slathered in butter and sprinkled with salt, surely tasted good, but now, no one else can enjoy it. Don’t you feel guilty at having been involved in the cutting down of that stalk …
Learn from our experts how you can type–right and use typography effectively to make your printed materials stand out and look more professional.
10 InDesign Tips for the Occasional User
Many non-designers are now expected to produce great documents using InDesign. I’ve been impressed by the quality of what our clients have created, but I can tell that the user could have gotten better results with less effort if they just knew about these 10 InDesign tips.
Infographic: 6 Statistics About Direct Mail
Learn why you should be using direct mail in your marketing mix and how to get the most of out this strategy.
So, You’re Back in Business Now What?
How are you going to let your customers and prospects know you’re open for business? Have you considered launching a direct mailing campaign?
Everything You Need for Social Distancing in Your Business and in the Office
Is your business ready to say “Open for Business” in a safe and responsible way? Copy General can help.
Make Your Virtual Training Session, Meeting or Conference More Like the Real Thing
Some people are auditory learners while others are primarily visual or kinesthetic learners. Printed material complements all methods of learning.
5 Ways to Keep Your Audience Engaged at Your Next Webinar
How do you help ensure a successful program where attendees stay awake and pay attention? Maybe even closing down Facebook or stop playing solitaire?
Printing is Essential!
Learn how we have changed the way we do business to protect our team and our clients from COVID-19