Zoom and similar services have taken over from classrooms and meeting rooms. You still have the presenters and their video presentations. But there’s more missing than just physical human interaction. Where are the workbooks, manuals and other printed training aids that normally accompany the speakers? Some people are auditory learners while others are primarily visual or kinesthetic learners. Printed material complements all methods of learning.
Sure, many speakers share their PowerPoint decks, but good speakers use those bullet points as a place to launch their presentation. Only bad presenters repeat verbatim what’s on their slides. With the printed material that comes along with their course, attendees can concentrate on the presentation rather than trying to take voluminous notes, knowing that important content is right beside them.
A hybrid learning experience
Create a hybrid learning experience for your next virtual meeting or instructor-led training course by delivering workbooks, training materials or manuals to your participants’ home or office. As participants prepare for or tune into your virtual event, they can flip through the pages of your workbook and take notes as you share your message. More importantly, a hybrid learning experience has the potential to improve your participants’ learning experience.
Related Article: 5 Ways to Keep Your Audience Engaged at Your Next Webinar
Using printed documents increases learning retention
Annotating printed documents with a highlighter, short scribbles of notes and dog-eared pages play a vital role in reinforcing comprehension. It also reduces multitasking when the participant should be paying attention to the presenter. This makes the printed piece an even more valuable reference tool.
We’ll print and deliver directly to your participants, wherever they may be
For over four decades we have worked closely with our clients to provide high-quality training materials for more successful instructor-led courses. We are here to assist you with making a successful transition to on-line learning maintaining the quality of your training and courses. Let us handle the printing, assembly and distribution of your workbooks, training materials, manuals or whatever you wish, while you stay safe at home — and maintain the best learning experience for your participants.